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Control of warehouse release

System prepared for users of Subiekt GT and Subiekt Nexo. Based on applications for mobile data collectors and its use allows to accelerate and improve the quality of prepared orders. It also provides a full control over their proper implementation.


Acceptance of of the goods to the warehouse
Card acceptance is created by selecting the appropriate product category and then by scanning barcodes with the data collector, assigns a value to all the relevant goods. After filling the necessary information, the file is exported to Subiekt, which authorized persons have access. The application allows to avoid limiting the amount of codes which can be assigned to one category of Subiekt.
Submit an order
Department of the company, responsible for the preparation of orders, creates the document containing the list of products and assigned to them bar codes. Information about the new order goes directly to the barcode readers used in the warehouse, in this way is reduced the time needed to start of completing the order.
Warehouse release
With this application, a warehouseman job consists of finding and scanning the barcodes of products which have been ordered. Only in this way you can close the order. After the completion, the notification appears immediately in the Subiekt's Program. In case of shortage of goods, the system generates a differential order, which goes directly to the trader, who decide how to deal with it.